By default, we look for keywords included **in your ActBlue refcodes and form names and match them to the major fundraising channels. In order to avoid over-matching, we only include refcodes or form names with the below phrases if they are surrounded by non-letter characters or are at the start/end of your refcode or form name. This is the default channel mapping we use:

Channel Refcode OR Form Name Examples
SMS p2p p2p20230124
text 20230124_text (and NOT 20230124_FullListText)
Web web web123 and not charlottesweb
Email em 90DO_em
email 90email and not 90DOemail
Social social
tw 20230124_tw (and NOT twitch)

If you have a naming convention you use for your organization(s), please make a copy of this template and send your channel mapping to [email protected] and we can update your analytics reporting. If you use the same logic for multiple organizations, you only need to fill this out once.

Use asterisks (*) if you want us to search anywhere in the refcode or form name. Note that if a donation matches multiple rules, we will search in order of these rules and use the first match.

Channel Field Search for Notes
Texting Form name p2p All donations that come in on the form name that is exactly p2p regardless of the refcode
Email Refcode em* Any refcode that starts with em regardless of what comes afterwards
Website Form name homepage All donations that come through the homepage form are attributable to the website, regardless of the refcode. This is a direct match (no asterisks), so homepage_new, for example, would not match.
Ads - Direct Donate Form name dd* Donations that have a refcode that start with dd (ex: dd_20240102 but not 20240102_dd)
Ads - Acquisition Refcode *acq Donations that have a refcode that end in acq (ex: 20240102_acq)
High Dollar Refcode event Any donation that comes in with a refcode that has the word event anywhere in it (ex: dallas_event or event_dallas or 202401eventdallas)