This tab can help you track the amount raised from numbers that are on a specific phone list.


  1. We match numbers on a phone list to ActBlue contributions through one of the following methods:
    1. If the phone number donated via ActBlue after clicking a Switchboard tracked link.
    2. If the phone number is linked to an email address that donated via ActBlue after clicking a Switchboard tracked link.
    3. The phone number on your Switchboard list matches the phone number provided when the donor fills out their personal information on the ActBlue contribution form.
    4. The phone number on your Switchboard list is linked to an email address that matches the email address provided when the donor fills out their personal information on the ActBlue contribution form.
  2. We exclude donations that match based on faulty contact fields (like invalid phones or emails) or match to more than 10 phone numbers or 10 email addresses based on the contact linkage. We do not exclude donations that are linked via (a), (b), or (c).

Using this feature: Choose a list in the drop down menu. Any list you’ve created on Switchboard will show up here, regardless of if you’ve send a broadcast to that list.